Q&A With a Momtographer


Over the past few months, I got quite a few messages on Instagram asking me how did I do it as a photographer-mom. I found them "reassuring" as I answered these questions. Here are a few questions from aspiring mothers/photographers.

Q: When did you decide to become a full-time photographer?

A: There wasn't an exact time on that. After my youngest started kindergarten, and my children don't really need as much attention from me, I just stepped out and committed to photography, business-wise. 

Q: What was your occupation before becoming a full time photographer?

A: I was an office Network administrator, working in a tech company, and doing the 9-5.

Q: What's your biggest challenge as a full time photographer?

A: Oh "Time". It seems like I never have enough time to do everything, but we women tend to be good at multitasking, and planning partially because we Have to for our family. The longer I am in the business, the more confident I'm with scheduling and balancing the home-life.

Q: What's the biggest reward?

A: I love photographing families, documenting memories with all the details for families is my biggest reward. Perhaps it is because I feel related as a mom?! But I want to show the families how fun it is to see themselves in photos as a Whole family.

Q: What was your husband and family’s reaction/response, when you decide to become a full-time photographer?

A: To be honest, not much reaction there, because it was not taken seriously by anyone in the family. It was seen as a hobby; but, I have proved them wrong, I'm actually pretty good at it, and people LOVE the family/wedding stories I've created and documented for them. Now my husband and children fully supported my one-woman business. The icing on top is, my family LOVES going through our own family photos, especially when they see their baby photos ;)

Q: What are the 3 advice you would give to someone who also wants to be a photographer-mom?

A: 1. Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize. We only get 24 hours a day. 2. Take care of yourself first the others. This way, we are offering our best to each other. 3. Newest/best equipment does not make you the best photographer, practice patience, and progress.