Photography Pro Tips: How to Frame Your Shots


Whether you are using a point-and-shoot, DSLR or a phone camera, the fundamentals of “a good shot” remain the same. Try using the “Rule of Thirds” to improve the composition and balance of your images.It can beused in all types of photography to produce images which are more engaging and better balanced.

How to Apply?

Imagine a 3×3 grid laid over your image or turn on the grid in the viewfinder/phone. Place your subject’s head at one of the “thirds points”. You’ll have a much more dynamic image than if the subject was sitting in the center of the frame, and don’t forget to apply some breathing room to your subject.

Crop Tool is Your BFF:

If you are like me fussing about the composition of the photo, crop tool is your new best friend. Most crop tool has built-in 3X3 grid, so you can edit your photo base on the Rule of Third method.


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